Naomi's file!
Naomi's full name is: Naomi Christian
Maureen Lynch.Naomi is 17 years old.She lives in Dublin at the moment ,but will probably
move to England. Naomi's Birthday is on the 6th Of April, 1983. Naomi has 4 sisters and 1
brother.There is Tara who used to be in FAB!, there is Allison who lives in America,she
works for a computer firm, there is Shane who is in Boyzone, there are Keavy and Edele
from B*Witched and her parent's Noeleen and Brendan. Allison is the only one in the family
who isn't in Show Business! She says she's a very private person, so she wouldn't like it!
My Message to Naomi: Hi! I had a GREAT time seeing you again! I
hope I see you again next summer! Good Luck with Buffalo G!